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Frances C. Price, Tai Ming Birmans

Jan. 27, 1914 - Jan. 18, 2004

In Memoriam, Frances Price



Frances Price bred Birmans under the cattery name Tai Ming from 1968 until she retired in 2001. Her influence on Birmans in the US was enormous. We were privileged to have been mentored by Frances from 1989 until she retired. She was our teacher and our friend. Frances died in Boone, N.C. on January 18, 2004.

- Sallie & Paul Smith


A Life With Birmans

By Sallie Smith, Golden Seal Birmans

The planets were carefully aligned in 1968 when the CFA Himalayan Persian standard shifted to a flatter face and a newer breed with the same point colors and a more defined nose came available. Birmans had recently to be imported into the US and Frances thought it was perfect timing to move from the himmies to the newer breed, so Tai Ming cattery began (the pun was intentional).

Frances got her first cats from Miss Verner Clum and the Griswolds but soon realized that if she was going to continue she'd have to begin her own import program. She went to...

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An Australian Tribute

By Bev Cattrall, Shalimar Birmans

Frances was living in New Orleans when I first made contact with her 1983. We had been to a conference in Denver where I had purchased a cat magazine and noticed CFA Regional awards for the New Orleans area; Frances' name was included for a Regional win with Grand Champion Belleview Heidi Blue.

Frances' southern hospitality was very welcoming and we had a nice talk about Birmans and, as she planned to visit UK and as I was looking for a stud, she offered to ask David Rendfeldt if he had anything suitable because, "David has some nice cats". She wrote...

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Memories and Tributes

From her many friends

After Frances' passing, we hosted a Guestbook here, on Golden Seal Birmans (Goldenseal.net), and invited her friends from around the world to post memories of her and how she affected their lives. Here is that guestbook...

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