Our dear Howdy Doody was recently diagnosed with FIP (Feline Infectious Peritonitis). Until recently this was a death sentence and over the many years of breeding, we have lost several cats and kittens to this disease. In particular we lost Golden Seal Tai Ming ("Tai") in 1996. However, since 2020 there have been advances in treatment and there are now hopes of a permanent cure and recovery from this pernicious disease. Here he is ready for his first shot.
It is not cheap and not easy - the drug is not generally available except through networks of concerned cat owners and Chinese drug manufacturers. US veterinarians cannot legally prescribe it. However, after connecting with FIP Global Cats we started the regimen with Howdy, and within a few days he turned around from being a listless cat losing weight rapidly and who could barely walk in a straight line, to much more himself, eating, playing, jumping and warming our laps. We have about another 2 months of treatment to determine if this is a full cure for him but looking promising!