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Nov 15, 2004



These are the two little girls from this year's litters who will stay either with us or in a breeding program somewhere. We were blessed with three, only-cat litters this summer from three different momas -- Ava, Willow and Yardley. All were girls.

One was a dear little seal girl, Belinda (Yardley's kitten), who has gone to keep a wonderful red point uncle of hers company. She just left on Friday evening. The other two are pictured above. On the left is Bonita (Willow's), a chocolate point girl with perfect show markings, and on the right is a seal tortie point girl, Blaze (Ava's), who has head type and eye color to die for and somewhat less than perfect markings but within the acceptable range.

 These girls were born in August and have grown up together almost as litter mates. Belinda was a bit too old to be close friends with them, being more the teenager to the toddlers. Blaze was a little slow off the mark getting into eating solid food but now that she does eat it she growls with great possessiveness over her food bowl and Bonita had best be quick or she won't get to finish before Blaze is there to do it for her! They will be beginning their show careers in December and January.

We showed a pretty blue point spay, Heartbir's Xara of Golden Seal, through the fall at a couple of shows and got her a good leg up on her Grand Premier with 22 points so she has now gone to a new home with Bill in Tennessee where she can be happy not to have to share her humans or her food bowl. We're hopeful that Xara and Bill may do some nearby shows and finish off Xara's Grand Premiership.