Aug 11, 2002 Now that all our spring pets have finally gone to their new homes things got too quiet too soon. We have welcomed Golden Seal Zesty (SPM) who grew up as a part of a litter born to Toots (Golden Seal X-tra Sweet Tea, stp) at our friends', Deb & Ted's, house. His red brother, Ziggy, went with a blue boy, Leo, from one of our litters and Zesty (fka Zen Rooney) came here. Zesty or Rooney, he gets called both names, is keeping Zoe company until we take Zoe to her new home at a cat show at the end of this month. Then Zesty will be on his own here. Last weekend we took Higgins (LPN) and Peti (BPS) to a show in Greenville, SC. Higgins got his winners' ribbons in Premiershp and Peti added 2 more points to her 61 of the 75 she needs to grand in Premiership. Sometimes those last few points take a while to get. She got the first 61 points in three shows. We have also "rescued" two kitties from a retired breeder who couldn't care for them any longer. We're looking forward to attending Sacred Cat of Burma Fanciers show in Medina, Ohio at the end of the month. Going along will be Higgins, Zesty and Zoe. |