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Mar 29, 2002

Golden Seal Youda Man (aka Higgins)
NBF Dallas May, 2002 - "Best Birman Kitten in Show"
Copyright Larry Johnson 2002

Golden Seal Birmans is pleased to announce that lilac point Golden Seal Youda Man (aka Higgins) was Best Birman Kitten at NBF-GSR show in Dallas May 11/12. This was an all SP show. Higgins made 5/6 Finals and was 2nd under Diane Dunn and Norm Auspitz, 5th under Paula Boroff and Norma Plachi and 10th under Ed Yurchik.

As Best Birman kitten Higgins was also awarded the Tai Ming traveling trophy for the best Birman kitten in the show, a lovely tribute to our friend and mentor, Frances Price of Tai Ming Birmans. We'll be delighted to have the trophy for the coming year.

Thanks to Higgins everyday family Don & Linda Dressel for allowing him to come out and play with his "show business friends."

This is Higgins' last show as a kitten and he will next appear as an open in Premiership.