logoGolden Seal Birmans — Marietta, USA flag

Mar 3, 2002
We're counting down to the weekend when we're expecting two litters of kittens. Wisteria is absolutely HUGE (over 10# two weeks ago) and was x-rayed to show 5 kittens. She's due on Friday. Willow x-rayed with 3-4 kittens and she is due on Sunday. Wisteria is bred to Sunny so we have a blood incompatability issue with the litter requiring them to have to be hand fed for the first day. Willow should be easier to work with because there are no blood incompatabilities in her breeding to Redeemer.

We're still not sure but it is looking likely that Wanita is also going to be expecting a family (dad is Redeemer) in late April.

We were thrilled that our little kitten, Golden Seal Youda Man (aka Higgins), a lilac point from Heartbir's Xara of Golden Seal and Heartbir's Redeemer, made 3 finals at the Atlanta Phoenix Cat Society show earlier this month. Higgins lives with Don and Linda and an older Birman, Tybee, in Marietta. Higgins will be joining us for several more shows including Crafty Cat in April, National Birman Fanciers in May and the Southern Regional Fundraiser held Memorial Day weekend. Thanks to Don & Linda for lending us their boy.