Aug 16, 2001 Weve been running around madly since our last entry. Weve been to two cat shows with Topper who now has 47 of 75 points he needs for his Grand Premier. Peti and Sunny had one kitten, Sweetpea, a seal girl, while we were in England. Our friend Laurie was the midwife. Because she is an only kitten, we have let her mix and run with the big kittens at an earlier age than we normally would - we have found that only-kittens get an exhalted view of their own importance in the scheme of life; having some big sisters provides the needed adjustment! She is indeed a sweet pea - climbing up to Paul's shoulder and going to sleep. Weve been chasing after and cleaning up after the two litters of kittens. The older group will be going to new homes by the first of September. We did have a surprise when we went to the vet and found that our two boys were actually girls! They had been sexed early on when it is sometimes hard to tell what they will be and as they got older they didnt seem to have the particulars they needed to be boys and, sure enough, they are girls. The two seals will be going to pet homes and the blue girl will be going to a show home. Sweetpea will also be going to a show home. We bred Huey (Goldenseal What A Valentine) to our new stud Heartbirs Redeemer and are expecting a litter from her in September. We also bred Heartbirs Xara of Golden Seal to Redeemer and are not quite sure if we will have babies coming from there yet. She may have to go to the vet to be sure. At our friend Lauries house Tai Mings Wanita has a seal girl and a blue boy born July 13. Wanita had to step in for Laurie and is raising a kitten from another Birman, a lynx girl, as well as her own kittens. The lynx mama didnt have milk for her baby and Wanita has turned out to be a SUPER mom. Our kittens have been lots of fun to watch and to play with. They seem to have a cohort in crime in Xara who jumps up to open the latch and let the babies into the living room. Oh Xaaaaraaaa!! Big uncle Jim (Golden Seal Purrcise Impression) is so glad we have babies in the house because that means he gets to eat the kitten's dry food, his favorite. But the real heroine here has been Peti (Heartbirs Upeti of Golden Seal) who has nurtured all our kittens because her daughter, Wisty (Golden Seal Wisteria), has such a heavy social schedule she cant be bothered with her kittens! I guess Peti is not the only grandma to be raising her grands. |