'Deemer GRC Heartbir's Redeemer (LP) Birth: 3-April-1994 8 March 2003 I have been working a lot in the hospital until today. He is doing well, I think we have reached a compromise on the sleeping arrangements. He is a VERY affectionate cat, my roomate has grown quite fond of him. He loves the combing. He is anxiously awaiting me when I get home every day and follows me around the house like a dog. Quite adorable. Take care, Jesse 3 March 2003 Sallie; I will try the radio thing, that sounds like a good idea. I tried leaving him in the room while I sleep, but I got stepped on several times in the middle of the night, so I now have to close the door to my room. Jesse 3 March 2003 Sallie: Alison and I made it back to Augusta and then I returned to Durham without incident. Deemer was a little overwhelmed with all of the new surrounding in Atlanta, Augusta, and now Durham. He tolerated the long car ride better than I did. I am trying to keep him in one room for a while here before letting him roam the house to let him settle in. Otherwise all is well. He is without a doubt the cutest most well mannered cat I have ever met. I will keep you posted. Jesse