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Dunnydeer's Rapture of Tai Ming (SP)
b. 6-Apr-1994
Sire: GRC Tamandria Tagar Torre of Dunnydeer (SP)
Dam: CH Dunnydeer's Pansy Potter (SP)
(Ed: Rapture was retired from the Golden Seal breeding program in March, 2001. He is now retired to a life of ease and luxury as an adored pet. He gave the world many beautiful kittens, including: Picabo, Rusti, and Willow.)


2 January, 2003

He is a beautiful boy. Not gray really, more light brown. He is so good natured. The only real sign of maturing is a slight wheeze in his breathing at times and snoring. He is such a treat to have in my life.


9 January, 2002

Just wanted to take a minute to say hello, Rapture is doing great, he is such a wonderful pet, have a new playmate for him... we got Passion a couple months ago and the two of them are really a pair.


18 August, 2001

Rapture and I are doing very well, thank you. He has become a very special part of my life. I truly enjoy him. He is quite a spoiled boy as well.

28 March, 2001

Rapture is such a loving cat. He is constantly with me, even sleeps with me. He absolutely loves attention (just like most men). He is even getting used to my granddaughter, as she has been here twice since his arrival (she had some surgery and stayed with grandma).


19 March, 2001

Hey Sallie, I have a feather toy on a long stick which is what he played with last night. I try to take the time to pet him every couple of hours.

He has eaten his wet food. I think we are doing well for second day. Thanks so much for the play time hints!

Regards, Michele & Rapture.