Peti and Bastian ![]()
(Ed: Peti was retired from the Golden Seal breeding program and adopted by Kris and Jette. She now lives with them and their Maine Coon Cat, Bastian. As of Apr 2002, Bastian is an 8 month old kitten. Peti still comes out on the show circuit now and again as she accumulates points to her Grand. Which she did 3 November, 2002) 5 Jan, 2005 (Ed: In early 2004 Peti and family moved to Denmark; Bastian is no longer a kitten.) I finally figured out what to give her to eat, she has a very sensitive stomach and now we are buying Euchanuba, and she has gained more weigth. Bastian is the Lord of the house, Kris and him sometimes fight for's really funny how that is, he really wants to be in charge :-) I'm sending you a picture of them both, so you can see how good they get along. Peti was sitting with me almost the whole night yesterday, just relaxing and being very affectionate. I enjoyed that as well as Peti did :-) She's a very special cat, she talks a lot and has to be on the table in the bathroom when we are there, so she can drink water from the faucet. She loves to lie in one of the chairs out on the balcony or in the bedroom on a box near the window in the sun.....Sallie I love her soooo much and I'm so glad that we got her. Just wanted to let you know that ;-) Well, Bastian can get jealous some times, but its not bad and e.g. what he does is, he just walks up on the bed and walks all over us to let us know that he also is in the house. But its not bad, they have each their time during the day, where they want to talk. They get along really great. Best Right now Bastian and Peti are playing, she is really getting into that. I can tell they like each other because they like to sit together out on the terrace. They like being out there and yesterday I was doing some gardening, putting tomato plants and herbs into pots. That was pretty exciting for them...haha!!! Talk to you later. |